I think the parents are compensating for something

From an article in Saturday’s (3/3/07) Wall Street Journal comes this head wag-inducing anecdote:

In San Diego, Jacqueline Jones recently rang in her fifth year with a $1,000 mermaid-theme party.  The fête, held at a community pool, included a piñata, pizza, cake, juice boxes, customized goodie bags for 20 and a former beauty queen who arrived dressed head to toe as Ariel, the Disney princess.  Jacqueline’s mom, Laura, says it’s worth it.  "A lot of my friends said I’m crazy, but I mean, it’s a memory she’ll have forever." (From "The Million-Dollar Kid," P1.)

"A memory she’ll have forever"?  At five years old?  Riiiiiiight.

The scarier question is this: what will Laura have to do in later years to "top" this one?  I’m reminded of Dudley Dursley’s birthday tirade in "Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone" when he received the same number of presents as the year before (37), and his parents groveled for forgiveness and promised they’d buy him two more gifts that day.

As for me, I’m grateful that (as yet) our children delight in simple pleasures.

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